Sunday, April 13, 2008


Nothing new is going on in the Morris housefold, except for my return to work. It hard to go back and leave such a small baby at home, but after the first day it got easier. My boss and co-workers have made it easier for me by supporting me a ton. It was nice to see everyone again, but it is nice to pull in my driveway at the end of a long shift, knowing that my "boys" are waiting for me inside.

We had to make a family quilt square for Tucker's school project. It is Small Child Month. So they are concentrating on family at his school this month.

Carter was looking too cute that day not to snap a picture.

And as always, Tucker loves holding his little brother.


Anonymous said...

Too cute for words! Love, Mom

Amanda said...

That quilt square for Tucker's school is too cute! Very creative!!