Monday, April 4, 2011

Emptying of the Cell Phone Camera

188 pictures later, I decided that you should purge your poor cell phone camera more than once a year. I mean, why else did we take the pictures in the first place, if we are not going to share them with the world? Here are a few samples of what I have found lurking in the SD card of my Samsung Droid.

I took Tucker to the movies on his last day off and what a ham he is!!!!


If you liked that one...check him out in this one. Yes...this is what we do with our 3D glasses.


We also take every opportunity to fight over who gets what horse on the carousel, EVERY time we go to the mall. Once it's all straightened out, they actually have a good time.


Yes, that is my little man's school picture. I had taken a quick snap of it with my phone to show my mom. Now it is my background on every computer that I own.


And yes, this is a very large snake that Carter and I held at the Sportsmen Show. Other than the 6 ft long Boa, I am a good mother, I swear!!!!


Target got new carts!!!!! That was the title of my text to Jeff along with this picture. Is it sad that I live for little moments like this. It actually was a very big deal. As I am sure it was for a lot of other mothers out there who couldn't steer the old ones.


And finally, meet Froggy. Thanks to Matt and Jen and the BEST B-day present ever (which will be remembered and promptly re-gifted back to them), we now have a frog. Which eats REAL crickets!!! Ugh! Now we may have a minor league zoo in our house, but this is not one pet I participate with.


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